Supporting Your Child’s Developmental Journey

Being concerned about your child’s development can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re unsure of how to proceed.

The great news is that you play a vital role in supporting your child’s journey. As a parent, you have a unique bond with your child and know them better than anyone else. This puts you in an ideal position to be a key member of their development team. The best part is, you can do it while creating enjoyable experiences together.

I’ve worked with children of all ages (starting at 1 month old) and diagnoses including:

  • Autism 
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Language delay
  • Down syndrome 
  • Other development disabilities 
  • A history that may lead to delays (premature birth, family history of delay, or other related disabilities)

Early Development Comprehensive Consultation


Fee determined based on individual needs

During a consultation session with Dr. Michaud, you can expect a comprehensive review of your child’s current development profile. Dr. Michaud will:

Answer any questions you have about your child’s development.

Offer support and guidance to help you navigate early childhood education and development complexities.

Identify areas needing support and ensure your child is receiving appropriate treatment.

Help create an environment where your child can achieve their full potential.

The consultation may include follow-up sessions to regularly monitor your child’s progress and collaboration with other professionals to ensure comprehensive care and support for your child.

Early Development Consultation 30-minute Session 



Our 30-minute session is designed to give you an overview of your child’s development and help you take the first steps toward ensuring their growth and success. This session offers a concise yet thorough review of key developmental milestones, providing valuable insights into your child’s progress. During this time, we will:

  • Conduct a brief evaluation of your child’s current development status
  • Address any immediate questions or concerns you may have
  • Provide initial recommendations and next steps
  • Offer guidance on available resources and support services

Erin has been working with our 2-year-old son for one year.  Not only has Erin supported him directly with his speech, but he has several different providers and she has helped ensure coordination amongst the group.  In fact, I often look to Erin to “approve” of new providers and confirm they are up to her standards.  Erin is not only very skilled at was she does, but she is a trusted thought partner and consultant to help us ensure we are receiving the highest quality care for our child.  Our son loves working with Erin and he is excited every time he sees her.  We are so thrilled with the progress that he has made since beginning to work with Erin and we couldn’t be happier with the services that she has provided.  We are so grateful for Erin!

Katie,  Boston, MA

We learned so much from Erin! I’m in special education, and I thought I knew everything about Autism and how best to help my son. I was wrong – Erin’s knowledge of all things Autism helped us to take our son to the next level. My husband’s joke was that she’s a speech and language magician! 

– Joanne & Mike, Wellesley, MA

Erin is great to work with! She has a special gift when working with toddlers! Our family truly appreciated everything Erin did to help our daughter!!

– Tanvee, Westborough, MA

I attended Erin’s training 5 years ago. It changed the way we interacted with our son! It helped us to realize why he was crying and how to give him a better way to communicate with us. He now speaks! We still use what we learned with him and our two other kids!

– Jen & Dave, Newton, MA

I don’t know what I would’ve done with Erin’s help! After meeting with her, I was so excited to try the techniques with my son. Thank you, Erin!

Jennifer, Lexington, MA